Subject: File No. S7-31-22; Release No. 34-96495: Order Competition Rule
From: Mike Bodner

Mar. 31, 2023


To whom it may concern, 

I fully support this rule and want to see it implemented as soon as possible. Broker-dealers should lose their licenses instead of recieving miniscule fines that are a small cost of doing "business". The penalty for non compliance needs to be sever enough to act as a deterant. I support all efforts to reduce increment sizes and PFOF - a method made and endorsed by Felon Bernie Madoff. This greatly concerns me and undermines international trust in the American markets. The commission should address the unfar information advantage by having brokers first route to the auction and where to go if unsuccessful. Equal knowledge across the market. I support rule all changes that bring more transparency to dark markets, and increased competition.  

Monopolies are bad, and 90% of orders by individuals investorsgo go to just six off-exchange dealers, and 66% is captured by just two firms. This is anti-competitive and clearly needs to change. Order must be competeted on in a lit markets so proper price discovery can take place. It's good to see the SEC finally start addressing thiese issues.  

I would gladly pay a commission to avoid being routed through a wholesaler and market maker with a rich history of fluting the law. These parties display perfect textbook exmples of glaringly obvious conflicts of interest. The data shows wholesalers are taking billions from individuals and institutions by giving them less than favorable order execution. They are profiteering middleman that interupt price discovery and stealing from citizens and pension funds.  


Mike Bodner