Subject: File No. S7-31-22; Release No. 34-96495: Order Competition Rule
From: Matthew A.

Mar. 31, 2023


I am writing to this agency to convey my approval of Rule 34-96495. Allowing brokers to send orders directly to bad actors in the market, I.E. Citadel and their ilk allows internalization and gives them control over the price of the underlying stock. However, the new rule being proposed states that Citadel and the rest cannot be the first to receive orders and instead orders must first go to public auction. This allows equal opportunity to fill orders for everyone and also allows other market participants to offer better prices without taking a cut of the trade. As a result, Citadel may lose a significant amount of money. Overall, this rule aims to create a fairer and more transparent market.  

This rule may in fact be the most important for us; the household investors. All we want is everyone to play by the same rules so that we may have the same opportunities and ability to be able to provide for our family and live more comfortably by trading in the markets. Currently, the way the market is structured, it allows for an unfair advantage when we are pitted against those with an incredible amount of resources. This does not promote a healthy and fair market. We deserve the right to be treated fairly and the Order Competition Rule will help us achieve fairness in the securities markets. Please approve this rule for the sake of my family.  

Matthew A.