Subject: File No. S7-31-22; Release No. 34-96495: Order Competition Rule
From: Jason A Karkiewicz

Mar. 31, 2023


Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my strong support for the proposed rule outlined in the document "Amendments to Modernize Filing Fee Disclosure and Payment Methods" (File No. S7-34-22; Release No. 34-96495) issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
I believe that the proposed rule represents an important step towards modernizing and simplifying the filing fee disclosure and payment process for SEC filings. The use of electronic payment systems and standardized fee disclosures will not only increase efficiency and reduce costs for issuers, but also provide greater transparency and accessibility for investors.
In particular, I commend the SEC for recognizing the need to update its fee payment methods to reflect technological advancements and to simplify the process for market participants. By leveraging electronic payment systems, issuers will be able to more easily and securely make payments, reducing the potential for errors and delays.
Moreover, the proposed amendments to the fee disclosure requirements will enable issuers to provide investors with more transparent and consistent information about the fees associated with their SEC filings. This will help to promote greater accountability and understanding of the costs and benefits of the regulatory process.
Overall, I believe that the proposed rule will benefit both issuers and investors alike by increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and providing greater transparency and accessibility. Therefore, I strongly urge the SEC to adopt the proposed rule in its entirety.
Thank you for your consideration.
Jason karkiewicz
Jason Karkiewicz
Radio Channel - CGL
Tek and Kote
30755 Edison Road, New Carlisle, IN 46552-9695
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