Subject: File No. S7-31-22; Release No. 34-96495: Order Competition Rule
From: Armando Martinez

Mar. 31, 2023


There should be no cost of doing business. i want to see higher fines that will actually set back the broker dealers because of there incompetence, and not make them make gains on errors and bad decisions to continue to ruin our financial structure.  

every rule the SEC passes is only as good as the enforcement that backs it. with no spine, and low cost fees, they get away with so much, at the taxpayers expense. maybe lose their license, re apply for license, make it a bigger set back than it is a cost of doing business.  

I fully support this rule, please implement it as soon as possible.  

I appreciate the efforts to fix the games that damage the integrity, credibility, and functioning of American markets. This is why BRICS and other nations are turning away from the dollar, they are tired of being messed with and dealing with the remnants of these problems on a global scale.  

compettition is good 

The data clearly demonstrate that wholesalers are taking billions from individuals and institutions and calling it "superior performance". They might massage their numbers to protect their profits, but we know better. If they weren't around to take their cut, the savings will go to citizens and pensions instead of into Wall Steet's overstuffed pockets. 

It is clear to me how removing the profiteering middlemen from the market will improve prices for both individuals and institutions (e.g. pension funds). Recent research by Hittal Mittesh suggests that on top of the Commission's estimate that the auctions would save individuals from billions of dollars taken by wholesalers, it would also save institutions over $1.5 billion each year. Wholesalers are taking from citizens AND people's pensions - that needs to stop. 


Armando Martinez