Subject: Comment Letter for File Number S7-31-22 Order Competition Rule
From: Andrew Beck

Mar. 31, 2023


Dear SEC 
As a 51 year old British retail investor, I would like to express my support for the Order Completion Rule. I believe this rule is essential for protecting investors like myself and ensuring that the markets are fair and transparent. 

The Order Completion Rule requires brokers to execute investors' orders at the best available price, even if that means going out of their own trading venues to find a better price, and it promotes competition among trading venues. 

I believe that this rule is particularly important for retail investors like myself who may not have access to the same level of information and resources as institutional Investors. By requiring brokers to seek out the best available price for our orders, the Order Completion Rule helps to level the playing field and ensure that we are not disadvantaged in the market. 

Furthermore, I appreciate that the SEC had taken steps to modernize this rule in recent years to address technological advances and changing market conditions. I believe that these updates are helping to level the playing field and go some way to protecting retail investors. 

In conclusion, I believe that the Order Completion Rule is an essential component of a fair and transparent marketplace that benefits all investors. I urge the SEC to continue to enforce this regulation and other similar measures that promote fairness and transparency in the financial industry. 

Andrew Beck