Subject: File No. S7-31-22; Release No.35-96495: Order Competition Rule
From: Matt Berry

Mar. 30, 2023

I am writing to express my strong support for the Order Competition Rule proposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) [Release No. 34-96495; File No. S7-31-22]. As a household investor, I believe that the proposed rule would greatly benefit individual investors like me by promoting transparency and fairness in the securities market.
The Order Competition Rule seeks to increase competition among market makers and promote more efficient and cost-effective order execution for investors. This would be achieved through requiring market makers to publicly display certain order information, such as the price and size of their quotes, which would allow investors to more easily compare different market makers and choose the best option for their trades. Additionally, the rule would prohibit market makers from engaging in certain practices that could harm investors, such as displaying misleading order information or engaging in manipulative trading strategies.
I believe that the Order Competition Rule would be especially beneficial for individual investors like me, who often lack the resources and access to information that larger institutional investors have. By increasing transparency and promoting fair competition among market makers, the rule would help level the playing field for individual investors and provide us with better opportunities to achieve our investment goals.
In conclusion, I strongly support the SEC's proposed Order Competition Rule [Release No. 34-96495; File No. S7-31-22], and I urge the Commission to adopt the rule as soon as possible. Thank you for considering my comment.
Matt Berry