Subject: Comment Letter for File Number S7-31-22 Order Competition Rule
From: Felix Quevedo

Mar. 29, 2023

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With all due respect,                          And to whom it may concern.                 My name is Felix Quevedo and I am a spinal surgeon in Florida, I’ve been working in spine and reconstructive spinal deformity for 33 years. I have worked on some of the toughest pediatric cases and brought kids back from paralyzed to walking again. When it comes to trading, I can only tell you what I have read briefly from articles and personal conversations.  Presently , I am concerned that my hard earned money thats Invested in the stock market is declining because of stock manipulation , mainly, bed Bath and beyond causing A financial debacle.                             My understanding of the situation:  hedge funds are using computer, algorithms to fire millions of orders at a time driving down the price of a stock, and at the same time naked shorting these same stocks . They never borrow the stock so basically synthetic shares that do not exist. Someone needs to answer to this alarming situation before they destroy more companies, more hard-working Americans, and solid institutions that have been around for decades. Not only are the workers going to lose their positions, but the stockholders that have been with the company for many years will incur huge losses ! Please help us with this situation. Thank you Felix Quevedo MD

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