Subject: Comment Letter for File Number S7-31-22 Order Competition Rule
From: Sean Conway

Mar. 29, 2023

To all Americans who read this, 

    We're never going to have a Free & Fair market,  
if Market Makers & notorious Risk Takers, continue to be 
given exemptions and hall-passes. There's Zero reasons to  

vote or comment on ANY miniscule rules or amendments. Anyone  
not aware of The Federal Reserve, its ownership, and function, is going  
to lose their remaining faith in our Market, Currency, & Money.  

If you have any ounce of patriotism, please consider ignoring OCR recommendations and imploring a Trade-At rule. If most Americans had the capacity to understand the current perversion of our Markets, they would agree with a simple Trade-At rule. Small win for everyone involved. ...And if you aren't winning if this changes, then you were winning big for long enough that it shouldn't matter. There's plenty of other exploits still functioning for Middle Men to get their fill. 

God Bless America,  
& everyone else who actively chooses to make it a better place.