Subject: RE: File No. S7-31-22; Release No. 34-96495: Order Competition Rule
From: Jyri Hukkataival

Mar. 26, 2023

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I am in full support of this new rule that would bring about fairer competition and execution for household investors in particular. An overwhelming percentage of household investors orders are routed to near monopolistic entities without real competition. This is increasingly bad for a functioning financial market. 

SEC passes financial regulation, but without actually enforcing the laws and regulations, they mean nothing. There are particular big players in the market, namely Citadel, which keep racking up fines and violations. Observably these proportionally small fines time and again fail at doing anything to deter further financial crime - if the culprits are even required to admit any wrong doing in the first instance. There must be severe penalties for these serious financial crimes that affect people’s livelihoods and life savings, like prison time and fines about 10-50 times larger than at the moment to have to effect desired. 


-Jyri Hukkataivol --