Subject: 7-31-22 Order Competition Rule
From: Melissa LaBonte

Mar. 26, 2023

My whole life I have heard how amazing Wall Street is. Imagine how I felt when I finally realized it is just a money sponging operation taking the wealth of unsuspecting US workers and siphoning it off into the ever expanding pockets of the 1%. My grandmother lost my college fund in  the 80s Savings and Loan scandals. My father retired comfortably from the US State Department because he refused to transfer from his old retirement plan to their fancy new 401k. His friends were not so lucky. My son is now being offered no choice about the matter as a servicemember of the US Navy. Our family has served this country in one capacity or another going back before the American Revolution. My great uncle is listed on the Walls of the Missing at Maargraten. The caregiver for his name in my Facebook friend. And no member of this family has ever been ashamed of this country until now.
You are seriously allowing PFOF? Selling us all down the river and taking all of our collective stock purchases and opinions on stock performance or company value and obfuscating it in dark pool trades so we never have a voice? Allowing high speed algorhithmic trading to speak for the entire market? Does this seem like free and fair to you? Does it seem equitable? You have the sacred responsibility of protecting the integrity of the markets so this country, our businesses, and our citizens can thrive and grow. What you have done is destroy that ability.   We are watching. We are legion. And we expect you to do your job. And you should be ashamed that it ever got to this point in the first place. Fix it.

Melissa LaBonte