Subject: File No. S7-31-22, Release No. 34-96495: Order Competition Rule
From: William Suh

Mar. 26, 2023

To whom it may concern, 

As a household investor, I believe the American stock market should be a free and competitive market. It is essential in determining the true price of a security and it encourages competition and innovation for businesses. However, the current rule allows brokers to send orders directly to Citadel's internal systems, giving Citadel control over the price. This needs to change.  

I support the new rule where orders must go to a public auction where everyone, including pension funds, has an equal opportunity to fill the order. This will give other market participants the chance to offer better prices, without taking a cut of the trade. I realize certain market makers are not in favor of this rule but it is precisely because routing orders directly to their internal systems will give them power to affect price discovery. It prevents creating a fair and transparent market. 

Will S.