Subject: Comment Letter for File Number S7-31-22 Order Competition Rule
From: Kyle White

Mar. 22, 2023


I’m submitting this comment to advocate for a fair and free market. I believe off-exchange transactions are one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, reasons the market currently would not be considered “fair” and “free”. When 60%+ (or any number, really) of trades are done outside of the market hours on a regular basis, I don’t understand what the point of having the market is. I understand the original purpose of doing offline trading for situations like an executive selling their 6 million shares but much has changed over the years. I think payment for order flow is a terrible concept and should be reigned in or abolished altogether. We do not need to continue with the “gamification” of stock trading. We do not need “infinite liquidity” as I’ve seen so many market makers swear is all important. Let the market self regulate, as it should. 
Thank you