Subject: Comment Letter for File Number S7-31-22 Order Competition Rule
From: Daniel Taylor

Mar. 22, 2023


Ms. Countryman: 

As a Household investor it concerns me knowing a select few in our market control true price discovery.  True price discovery  doesn't exist in our current market. Bid-ask spreads are widening and far too much internalization is occurring. In a world of high speed trading, OTC markets and After hours trading.  Us household investors feel as if our orders only count if we pick what the large hedge funds and Market makers are backing. When I send an order to Market. Large or small. I expect my investment to aid the company's value and stock price. Instead, market makers such as Citadel (Ken Griffen use to be against Internalization until Payment for order flow become lucrative for his business model) are able to effectively nullify my order. The conflict of interest is only natural in my opinion.  The stock market can only be true if transparent. I agree with the proposed rule and whole heartily agree with the Commissions true pivot toward these Goals. 

Thank you, 

Daniel Taylor 
Concerned Household Investor