Subject:S7-31-22: WebForm Comments from Max B
From: Max B

Mar. 21, 2023

March 21, 2023

 Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to express my support for the SEC Proposed Rule, S7-31-22, the Order Competition Rule. As a concerned investor, I believe that this rule will help promote fair and transparent competition among market participants, thereby enhancing investor protection and market efficiency.
The proposed rule aims to update and modernize the SEC's regulatory framework for market structure, particularly with respect to the dissemination of market data and the access to order execution services. The rule seeks to eliminate certain practices that give unfair advantages to certain market participants, such as exclusive data feeds and preferential access to order execution venues.
I believe that the proposed rule will contribute to a more level playing field for all market participants, regardless of their size or resources. By eliminating certain anti-competitive practices, the rule will encourage innovation and promote greater efficiency in the markets, which will ultimately benefit all investors.
Moreover, I commend the SEC for seeking public comment on the proposed rule, which demonstrates the agency's commitment to transparency and openness. I encourage the SEC to carefully consider the comments submitted by all interested parties and to make appropriate adjustments to the proposed rule in light of those comments.
In conclusion, I support the SEC's proposed rule, S7-31-22, and I believe that it will help promote fair and transparent competition in the financial markets, ultimately leading to better outcomes for investors. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Max B