Subject: File No. S7-31-22; Release No. 34-96495: Order Competition Rule
From: Nils Ericson

Mar. 22, 2023



As a household investor i strongly support your actions leading toward a fairer market.  

It is vital that Citadel and other market makers are not allowed to to receive orders before anyone else - the orders must hit a public auction first. Price discovery matters and that will never exist without this rule.  

In the matter of Payment for Order Flow - it has already been banned in multiple countries, including the UK, due to the inherit conflict of interest. It must be banned in the US as well for a free market to exist. 

It is also a fact that brokers who don't accept any kind of PFOF route orders se superior execution quality.  

Licensen of brokers with repeat offences must be revoked. A small fine is not enough. 

It is essential that  you ensure fair competition by reducing monopolistic behaviour and removing profiteering middlemen from the market.  

This rule is a good step in the right direction of restoring faith in the US markets.  

Thank you for your efforts, 

Best regards 
Nils Ericson, Household investor and MD