Subject: Re: Order Competition Rule, File No. S7-31-22, Release No.34-96495
From: Colby Buffalo

Mar. 18, 2023


I fully support this rule and hope you implement it as soon as possible. Every rule the SEC passes is only as good as the enforcement that backs it. I want to see higher fines that actually serve as a significant deterrent. COMPETITION IS GOOD Monopolies are bad, and there is clear monopolistic behavior here. The Commission notes that 90% of marketable orders of individual investors in NMS stocks to a small group of six off-exchange dealers, and 66% is captured by just two firms. Those figures will be even higher for specific stocks. The state of American markets is clearly anti-competitive and that needs to change. I dislike middlemen that simply exist to get their cut of a transaction that would otherwise occur. I would prefer that money go to pension funds instead of wall st billionaires.