Subject: File No. S7-31-22; Release No. 34-96495: Order Competition Rule
From: boris.alukic

Mar. 20, 2023


I am an individual investor from Europe who has substantial amount of wealth invested in the United States. Therefore it is my duty to comment on the "Order Competition Rule". 
I deeply appreciate and support any efforts to reduce the speed games that damage the integrity, credibility, and functioning of American markets. 

The current market is obviously not fair and this proposed rule is an important step in that direction. Fair competition (this is especially true for Citadel LLC. because they are know for exploiting the markets) is incredibly important and it’s good to see the SEC prioritizing true competition. 

The parties involved have very clear conflicts of interest. Citadel is a large source of funding for many broker-dealers and is, for example, the NYSE's biggest customer. Wholesalers exercise extreme influence on other market participants and I am concerned that influence will infect the ability of some participants to objectively review these rules. 

Thank you, 
Boris Alukic