Subject: S7-31-22: WebForm Comments from Ryan Gillham
From: Ryan Gillham

Mar. 17, 2023

March 17, 2023

 I am very much in support of this rule. As an individual investor I feel this rule will protect me from market makers who abuse their privileges. Anything to improve competition and increase transparency in the markets is needed. I think an open auction is a great idea to get the best execution so it is open to multiple participants and not just one who can process it internally and do with the stock what they please. I appreciate the effort you guys are putting into this and I appreciate it from the individual investor standpoint. For too long we have been taken advantage of and stolen from by these unfair advantages these market makers and large financial institutions have. It is time the individual investor gets the fair share. The banks and market makers and hedge funds do not speak for me, they are negative against the individual investor.