Subject: S7-31-22: WebForm Comments from Alexander
From: Alexander
Affiliation: Small Business Owner

Mar. 19, 2023

March 19, 2023

 To the SEC,

We the people of the United States of America are baffled at the mess that we call \"fair and free\" markets. I believe our stock markets have not been operating as fair and free markets for years now. The markets have progressively become a place to enrich market makers and broker dealers at the expense of all other investors.

I believe that these rules can go a long way in helping to restore some balance to the markets if enforcement is enacted and taken as seriously as the rest of the public is anticipating. Broker dealers and market makers should face the loss of their licenses to engage in capital markets if they repeatedly violate the rules, furthermore, such repeated violations should be criminally charged and action taken to imprison all partipants because these kind of violations undermine the integrity of our markets and have been known in history to cause idiosyncratic risk to the entire global financial system. All fines imposed for violations should be exponetially greater than any profit potentially gained from the violation so that the fines cannot merely be counted as a cost of business. Repeated violations should bankrupt a business.

I also want to see the SEC put a permanent end to \"failure to delivers\" (FTDs). This kind of practice is not tolerated and illegal in any other industry.

Thank you.