Subject: Re: Order Competition Rule, File No. S7-31-22, Release No.34-96495
From: Jason Stotts

Mar. 14, 2023

To whom it will concern, 

I would like to comment on this rule. I believe that our security markets no longer operate as fair and free markets and, instead, have progressively changed to enrich market makers and broker dealers to the detriment of household investors. I think that these rules would go a long way to helping to restore some balance to the market. However, I worry that the enforcement associated with these rules is too weak and that broker dealers and market makers should face the loss of their licenses to engage in capital markets if they repeatedly violate the rules or, minimally, that the fines imposed be greater than any profit potentially gained from the violation so that the fines cannot merely be counted a cost of business. 

I would also like to see the SEC do more to end "failures to deliver" (FTDs) -- a practice so egregious that it's illegal in any other domain of business. 

Jason Stotts, MA 

Philosopher and Psychotherapist 
Author of Eros and Ethos: A New Theory of Sexual Ethics