Subject: Re: Order Competition Rule, File No. S7-31-22, Release No.34-96495
From: Dalton Zerlan

Mar. 13, 2023

Dear Sir/Ma'am,  

What we've come to see in the past 10-20 years is monopolistic action and behavior related to the markets and associated routing. 

The Commission shows 90% of marketable orders of individual investors in NMS stocks go to a small group of six off-exchange dealers - with more than 65% captured by only two companies. Those figures are higher for specific stocks. The state of American markets is clearly anti-competitive. 

I will happily pay a little more in commission to avoid being routed through a wholesaler, especially one with a long record of flouting the law and backstabbing the American and World populace through lobbied-for loopholes and general market abuse. 

As you well know, the SEC rules are only as good as enforcement. With that said, we need to see higher fines which serve as a significant deterrent to breaking the law. The wrist-slaps we've seen in the past are an embarassment to you and justice itself. 

Sensibly, I prefer a more simple, transparent, and free market structure like the one proposed in this rule - wherein trades are routed not to gouging, backstabbing middle-companies and organizations of liars and confidence tricksters. 

Thank you for your time. 

Dalton Zerlan