Subject: Order Competition rule, file no. S7-31-22, release no. 34-96495
From: greg bijeau

Mar. 12, 2023


To whom it may concern.  

The data clearly demonstrate that wholesalers are taking billions from individuals and institutions and calling it "superior performance". They might massage their numbers to protect their profits, but we know better. If they weren't around to take their cut, the savings will go to citizens and pensions instead of into Wall Steet's overstuffed pockets. This is absolutely unacceptable and the fact that it has been going on for so long is a slap in evey Americans face.  

The current rule forces dark pools (Alternative Trading Systems) to provide quotes and trades to consolidated market data IF they wish to operate as an auction. I fully support and appreciate rule changes like this that bring more transparency to dark markets. The investing public should have easy access to what is happening within the markets. How did you let it get to this?  

 15 U.S.C. 78k-1 (“section 11A”) states that "It is in the public interest and appropriate for the protection of investors and the maintenance of fair and orderly markets to assure ... fair competition among brokers and dealers, among exchange markets, and between exchange markets and markets other than exchange markets." For too long the Commission has not be enduring fair competition, especially within the off-exchange systems that currently dominate. It's good to see they are beginning to take their mandate more seriously. There should be no off exchange trades, no naked shorting for " price discovery ". The fact that retail is having to tell you how to do your job is just a shame.  
Monopolies are bad, and there is clear monopolistic behavior here. The Commission notes that 90% of marketable orders of individual investors in NMS stocks to a small group of six off-exchange dealers, and 66% is captured by just two firms. Those figures will be even higher for specific stocks. The state of American markets is clearly anti-competitive and that needs to change.  

Please read the comments, please listen to the majority for once and put these criminals behind bars. I can assure you I'm not selling until I see some big names go to jail. No cell no sell.  

Thank you  
G. Bijeau