Subject: Order Competition Rule, File No. S7-31-22, Release No.34-964
From: Garrett Godfrey

Mar. 12, 2023


Dear Securities and Exchange Commission, 

I am writing to express my strong support for the proposed regulation, Order Competition Rule, File No. S7-31-22, Release No. 34-964, that aims to enhance transparency and accountability in corporate disclosure. As an individual who cares deeply about the integrity of our financial markets, I believe that this regulation is critical to ensuring that companies provide accurate and complete information to investors. 

I have reviewed the talking points and I agree with the key arguments presented in favor of this proposed regulation. In particular, I believe that the regulation will help to: 

1. Ensure that companies disclose all material information to investors in a timely and accurate manner; 
2. Improve the consistency and comparability of corporate disclosures, making it easier for investors to evaluate companies and make informed investment decisions; 
3. Promote greater transparency and accountability, which will ultimately benefit all market participants. 

Furthermore, I strongly support the proposed Order Competition Rule, which would increase competition among market data providers and improve the transparency, accessibility, and usability of market data. This would benefit investors by providing more timely and accurate information at lower costs. 

I believe that both the proposed regulation and the Order Competition Rule strike an appropriate balance between the need for greater transparency and the costs and burdens that may be associated with additional disclosure requirements. While it is important to minimize the regulatory burden on companies, it is equally important to ensure that investors have access to the information they need to make informed decisions. 

In conclusion, I strongly support the proposed regulation to enhance transparency and accountability in corporate disclosure, and the proposed Order Competition Rule. I urge the Securities and Exchange Commission to adopt these regulations to promote greater transparency, accountability, and competition in our financial markets. Thank you for considering my views on this important matter. 

Garrett Godfrey