Subject: Re: Order Competition Rule, File No. S7-31-22, Release No.34-96495
From: Victor Didra

Mar. 12, 2023



I would like to support this rule, but brokers first routing, and only if someone doesn't take the order, routing to market makers. 

This is the first rule change that gives me any hope that the financial system may someday be fair. And it isn't just me. Every single person I talk with or ask, if they follow the markets at all, acknowledge that the financial system is completely rigged and has been for some time. 

Please really internalize that. EVERYONE I know, who follows the markets at all, believes they are corrupt right now. And not a little, a lot. Completely rigged, and if we participate we just have to accept that we are getting screwed by a small group who gets to automagically make billions. 

So, if the financial system is to have any hope of legitimacy in the future, please adopt this rule but with the change of first routing to brokers, and only then the blatantly corrupt market makers. 


Victor Didra, finally seeing a glimmer of hope.