Subject: Re: Order Competition Rule, File No. S7-31-22, Release No.34-96495
From: Stefan Nekkers

Mar. 12, 2023


I appreciate the leveling of playing field with this specific rule.
There should not be any advantage to those who frontrun orderflow and making pennies on the Dollar with doing so. This frontrunning is costing both sides of the trade money.
Also, when a fine is simply the cost of doing business, the fines are not high enough. The fine should be equal the amount that has been stolen with the malpractice. A time-out would a good enforcer too. Give bad actors a “day off”, or something similar.
Every market participant should have equal rights en should not have an advantage over the other.
Each and every share buy and sell should affect the price. Wether it be one, or a thousand shares. Internalizing orderflow is the rot of the market. Those places where oversight is poor. 

I hope with this rule, the middleman is cut right out of this proces, making it fairer and more credible. 

I fully support the rule, please implement it as soon as possible.   

Best regards,
