Subject: Re: Order Competition Rule, File No. S7-31-22, Release No.34-96495
From: robert cary

Mar. 12, 2023


Dear Sir or Madam, 

Fair competition for order flow in our securities markets is vital. It is the foundation of our country; fair competition ensures innovation and cuts out waste, abuse, and bloated monopolies.  

However, certain market makers enjoy enormous profits by squelching competition. This borders on a monopoly. Investors' orders should be executed without a middleman, and should not be subject to dark pools or internalization. Both of these things inhibit price discovery in our markets.  

I fully support the rule being discussed, with one exception. Orders should FIRST go to auction, with Citadel "waiting in line" after fair competition is offered.  

Thank you for your attention in this very important matter.  

Robert Cary