Subject: Re: Order Competition Rule, File No. S7-31-22, Release No.34-96495
From: Courtland Saulter

Mar. 12, 2023


Dear SEC Commissioners, 

I am writing to express my support for the proposed rule and how it will improve price discovery for retail and individual investors. 

As a concerned investor, I strongly believe that price discovery is a critical component for any successful market. It helps investors determine the fair value of securities and also assists in setting prices that properly reflect market conditions. 

I am concerned that failure to pass the proposed Order Competition Rule as it is currently written may negatively affect price discovery for retail and individual investors. The lack of transparency as to who exactly is executing the trades makes it difficult for small investors to get accurate information and can lead to market distortions while incentivising criminality from those who control order flow. 

I urge the SEC to take measures to ensure that the Order Competition Rule will pass AS IS in order to improve price discovery for retail and individual investors, rather than allow the current state of near ubiquitous middleman grifting schemes to continue. This will provide more clarity on who is executing trades and ensuring that all investors have access to the same information. 

I respectfully request that the SEC consider the concerns of individual and retail investors when finalizing its rules rather than prioritizing the wishes of entities which seek to profit from unfair and distorted market making practices. The success of our capital markets depends upon price discovery and transparency to ensure that all investors can make informed decisions.