Subject: S7-31-22
From: Creighton Bledsoe

Feb. 28, 2023


Hello SEC, 

I am an individual investor concerned about the fairness of the stock market and power wielded by large Wall Street interests.  

I am writing to give my overwhelming support in favor of the proposed rule connected to S7-31-22.  

I overwhelmingly favor the passage of S7-31-22 and really applaud the SEC for taking and proposing concrete steps to restrict the internalization of orders and instead create transparent and qualified auctions that protect small individual investors like myself.  

This rule's open, transparent, and fair competition pillars really embody the spirit of the United States and want to thank all the great work Gary Gensler and team are doing to remove the worst abuses of the stock market on behalf of millions of household investors who just want a fair deal. 

Please pass this proposed rule.   

Thank you,  
William Bledsoe Jr