Subject: S7-31-22: WebForm Comments from Gregory Keogh
From: Gregory Keogh
Affiliation: Mechanical Engineer

Feb. 24, 2023

February 24, 2023

 As a household investor I am for this rule. I find it beyond appalling that the US stock market in 2023 needs a rule like this. Market Makers and clearing houses already have the technology to understand what a fair market price should be and the fact that they deliberately use that technology to make a profit instead of offer a fair price to household investors like myself is appalling. Having no audit or ability to see what is happening in dark pools has largely eroded my trust in this system. I know that I am not alone in looking toward crypto, real estate and alternative methods of investing. Once the rest of the world catches on as well then American companies will not be able to support our economy. Lastly, enforcement is everything. You can have all the rules you want but the SEC must enforce these rules and administer meaningful penalties when these rules are not met. A mere fine on a company making money from fraudulent behavior becomes just a cost of doing business. Please
  please enforce these rules and the rules you currently have in place. I have to support a family and God knows that just my salary doesn't cut it. I need fair and transparent markets so that I can some day retire and provide a nice life for my family.