Subject: 17 CFR Parts 240 and 242 [Release No. 34-96495; File No. S7-31-22] RIN 3235-AM57 Order Competition Rule
From: Brian N/A

Feb. 22, 2023

The Markets are Completely and utterly rigged in favor of the big players. This structure and legal loopholes of the Markets are one of the biggest frauds in history. 

FTD's and the clever way they go unreported is like having the Fox guard the Hen house. The large institutions say just trust us bro. All the while they are defrauding retail investors with dark pools, FTD's and dare I say Naked Shorts.  

In this modern day era settlement should be instant, transparent, and verifiable. The legacy system of built on fraud is fast becoming obsolete. Those who refuse to get with the times will be left behind. 

When this market collapses, don't blame retail