Subject: S7-31-22: WebForm Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Feb. 3, 2023

February 3, 2023

 Dear Mister Gensler,

I want to thank you and stuff  for cleaning up the naked shorts and FTDs and PFOF guys that have made me lose so much money this past year. Its been tough. I lost my savings even though I diversified and was disciplined. I bought AMC MMTLP GME and about 4 other stocks And I even bought them cheeper as they fell due to the illegals naked shorts. I knew that if I did that, instead of originally jest selling my stock, you were gonna put a stop to those crooks and get my money back. I saw you on that webcast with this guy David Lawerr,

 and you two just made me believe I wuz gonna get my life back. You gave me hope. I even invested in a stock edgecation terminal called Urvin, and I bet now I will make my money back and I lerned my lesson.

I figured if 2289 other investors thought it was a good idea, and gave 1,464,000 dollars, And you were doing webinars with them, how cud I looze?

Thanks and keep up the good werk.