Subject: S7-31-22: WebForm Comments from Matthew Towe
From: Matthew Towe
Affiliation: Retail Trader

Feb. 2, 2023

February 2, 2023

 The implementation of the 34-96495 order completion rule has been criticized for enabling hedge funds to manipulate prices, thereby harming retail traders. These funds have the resources and market power to take advantage of the regulations, using them to manipulate prices to their advantage. As a result, retail traders may miss out on profit opportunities, face difficulties executing trades in a timely manner, or be forced to accept less favorable prices. The rule also limits the options available to retail traders, as some exchanges may not be compliant with the regulations, reducing their overall market exposure. These factors combined can create an unfair playing field for retail traders, with hedge funds enjoying an undue advantage. The 34-96495 order completion rule, therefore, fails to protect retail traders from price manipulation and undermines their ability to participate in the markets on equal footing.