Subject: S7-31-22: WebForm Comments from Nina Jackson
From: Nina Jackson

Jan. 30, 2023

January 30, 2023

 Auction does nothing to prevent powerful parties from buying up and then trading on OTC.

All retail orders should go to lit exchanges.

It does not make sense to have a market where money is taken from retail and then traded in a black dark pool/ATS market. That should be banned except for legitimate nonretail orders as was the spirit of the initial exception.

FTDs should be reported daily at a minimum. Everything is electronic. There is no reason this can't technically be done. Even a basic level software engineer could help guide you on the way this information can be pulled or mandated to be reported so that it can be pulled. Penalties should be greater than the money earned by those who violated the rules. Collected monies should be redistributed back to retail or parties victim to the market manipulation/fraud/and effective theft of failure to delivers.