Subject: S7-31-22: WebForm Comments from Robert Howard
From: Robert Howard
Affiliation: Concerned

Dec. 31, 2022

December 31, 2022

 his rule does nothing to address the very real issue of shares being purchased for their real market value price, instead of a fake price that is dictated by a central Market Maker.

It is widely known that every broker is only a middle runner with IOU's, and to actually have control of your real property, you must withdrawl it from the control of the DTCC, all this is doing is changing the way IOU's are sold, and purchased, and does nothing to address the wide spread fraud created in dark pools when shares are actually withdrawn from the DTCC.

The people proposing these rules are tip toeing around the real issue of back room deals that keep the poors under the thumb of the people that are controlling the destruction of american businesses and good paying jobs.

may god have mercy on your soul.