Subject: S7-31-22: WebForm Comments from Cory Elliott
From: Cory Elliott

Dec. 28, 2022

December 28, 2022

 Every day over half of retail orders are routed of exchange. The FTDs are out of control. How can there be true price discovery? There is no supply and demand. This isnt economics. This is a robbery. I have terabytes of evidence of the criminal activities that are still on going in our markets and Financial institutions. Too Big to fail should not be a thing. It I committed over 200 felonies in a year I would be doing 200 life sentences. A non prosecution agreement is sickening. How is this a fair market? I would like to see some serious changes. I have lost faith in our justice system and in our regulators. We need market transparency and regulators who are not scared to hold people accountable. The naked shorts have to stop. The tokenized shares should have nothing to do with the stock market. You should not be able to use tokenized securities as locates for short positions. The corruption is out of control. I do not feel safe. I have recordings of hedge funds talking in space cal
 ls about dark pools and unusual activity. I know how they prey on retail investors. We need our regulators to uphold their end of the oath they took. Safe harbor shouldnt be a thing unless a whistleblower is needing it. I could go on and on but I will keep it simple. This is not a matter of right or left. This is a matter of putting an end to a corrupt financial system.