Subject: S7-31-22: WebForm Comments from A Oteri
From: A Oteri

Dec. 27, 2022

December 27, 2022

 I am a retail investor and my comments are in relation to this rule and the clear lack of transparency and regulation in US Markets. We need true price discovery, we need ALL ORDERS to be routed to lit markets and rules around market makers naked shorting to provide liquidity should be tightened up. Investors have lost faith. We won't continue to put our money into your markets until you clean up this mess. How can an entity that makes money from each transaction as a market maker, and has all the privileges that go along with that, ALSO be a hedge fund? Supposedly as another entity. But it's BS and we all know it. Payment For Order Flow should also be banned. Level this playing field. We are playing fair, they are playing with every cheat code activated. These are glaring issues. I also tried to add my phone number, but your form wont accept any format except the example shown.