Subject: S7-31-22: WebForm Comments from Joshua Russell
From: Joshua Russell

Dec. 27, 2022

December 27, 2022

 S7-31-22 Order Competition Rule
Restricting internal execution of certain orders of individual investors? YES, PLEASE. I would love to see the certain portion stricken, but this is a small gripe. Anything that gives my orders (retail orders) an actual chance at participating in the market unmuzzled is an improvement to the status quo. The nonsensical way things have been operating needs to be dismantled and I see this rule as a wonderful example of moving in the right direction.
I skimmed the proposed rule language (because of course I did can we stop with the mega-page documents or are we doomed to live our lives to comment on rules?) and enjoy what has been laid out. All told, the upside of this rule is too powerful to ignore and I wholly support its passage and adoption.
Joshua Russell
Analytic Methodologist