Subject: S7-31-22: WebForm Comments from Gina P.
From: Gina P.

Dec. 26, 2022

December 26, 2022

 I am writing in support of S7-31-22, the order competition rule. All buyers and sellers deserve the full benefit of fair competition, which they currently arent getting under a PFOF system. An open competition for orders should result in better pricing, less of a stranglehold by wholesalers, and reduce intermediation, which is part of the SECs mandate, and thats why I support it.

This seems like an excellent step towards restoring the integrity of our capital markets by reducing off-exchange trading, which at this point in time is likely impeding price discovery and leading to less-than-optimal order execution.

Thank you sincerely for your hard work on this matter. As a retail investor, I truly appreciate the work of the SEC to restore balance and fairness to our equity markets, and will continue to support all your initiatives in that direction.