Subject: S7-31-22: WebForm Comments from Jack Kirk
From: Jack Kirk

Dec. 26, 2022

December 26, 2022

 These rules are a good start to the regulation needed for market makers and need to be implemented. Retail orders should be routed to lit exchanges to compete against the entire market where true price discovery can happen. Certain small cap tickers suffer from extremely elevated levels of trades being executed off exchange. Why would this be happening? Is there regulation and transparency to prevent price manipulation by choosing which batch of orders will be routed to/away from lit exchanges therefore restricting a true price discovery?  Somehow our system currently allows you to act as one of the largest market makers executing the majority of retail orders, with endless access to retail order flow data, while simultaneously running a hedge fund at the same time. How is the SEC supposed to regulate the inherent conflicts of interest in that statement?
I've taken my money/assets/trades out of the reach of market makers and brokers and use only transfer agents to buy  hold stock. Fix this dark, fraud infested, purposefully overcomplicated cesspool of a market.