Subject: S7-29-22: WebForm Comments from Jeremy
From: Jeremy

Feb. 24, 2023

February 24, 2023

 The main benefits would be to improve the transparency and accountability of securities-based swaps (SBS) transactions, while also reducing compliance costs for market participants.

The proposed rules would require increased disclosure of SBS transactions, providing regulators with more information to assess systemic risk and ensure market integrity. The rules would also establish recordkeeping and reporting requirements for market participants, improving the ability of regulators to monitor and enforce compliance.

By improving the transparency and accountability of SBS transactions, the proposed changes could help to prevent market abuses and protect investors. Additionally, the rules would provide more certainty and clarity for market participants, reducing compliance costs and promoting innovation.

Overall, the proposed rule changes appear to be aimed at improving the functioning and integrity of the SBS market, while reducing the burden on market participants. By providing regulators with better information and tools to monitor and enforce compliance, the changes could ultimately benefit both investors and market participants by promoting greater transparency, accountability, and market efficiency.