Subject: S7-29-22: WebForm Comments from Robert Graham Brunner
From: Robert Graham Brunner

Jan. 12, 2023

January 12, 2023

 Dear SEC,

I am writing as a retail trader in support of proposed Disclosure of Order Execution Information (34-96493). As a retail trader, I believe this proposal will greatly benefit me by providing me with more information about how my trades are executed.

The proposal's focus on providing more detailed information about order execution, such as the execution price, the time of execution, and the market center where the execution occurred is particularly important to me. This information will help me to evaluate the quality of different trading venues and make choices that are in my best interest.

I also appreciate the proposal's emphasis on providing information in real-time. This will allow me to make more informed decisions about where to trade and will help to promote competition among market participants.

I also appreciate the proposal's emphasis on ensuring that the information provided is accurate and reliable. This will help to protect retail traders like me from unscrupulous actors in the market.

Overall, I believe that this proposal is a positive step towards creating fair and transparent markets for retail traders like me. Thank you for considering my input.

Robert Graham Brunner