Subject: [WARNING: ATTACHMENT UNSCANNED]S7-26-22: WebForm Comments from Lael Nomar
From: Lael Nomar

Nov. 11, 2022

November 11, 2022

 Dear Sirs  Madams,

Thank you for the ability to comment on this proposa. As a retail investor, I also appreciate the ease with which a comment may be submitted. Public engagement in market matters should be made simpler and the topics made easier to understand, as done in the \fact sheets\ attached.

In regards to the matter at hand, I am in favor of this proposition. Additional reporting requirements that make quality data public should be the standard. Additionally, a hard close would be the single biggest improvement in this proposal. It would prevent \trading\ of investor orders by the fund at the benefit of theirself. Additionally, this would reduce risk by ensuring transactions go through as normally requested, thereby protecting markets from systemic risk.

Thank you again for the ability to comment.

With respect,