Subject: S7-26-22: WebForm Comments from J Park
From: J Park

Nov. 10, 2022

November 10, 2022

 As an individual investor, I support the proposal.

There is nothing more damaging to the morale of the younger generation than it being public knowledge that a select few is able to fraudulently manipulate not only the stock market, but the law to greatly benefit themselves at the direct cost of others.

By allowing this practice to continue, the message the governing bodies SEC, DOJ, FBI... etc those who the younger generation is led to believe are there to protect them is clear, 'It is completely ok to cheat, as long as you do it well.'

You may be of the position believing that your immediate children, and their children's children are 'guaranteed' the privilege not to be affected by such fraud, or perhaps even benefit from it. However, there is only one guarantee in life and it is not that.

The best time for transparency and forced close was before last year, before such prevalence of fraud became public knowledge. The next best time is now.

The cat's already out of the bag so to speak, it will only get worse.