Subject: Comments: Amending the “Accredited Investor” Definition
From: Graham Gintz

Mar. 06, 2020

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I just wanted to let you know that this is the most exciting government news I've seen all year. As someone who has started and exited a business successfully, and now works for angel groups conducting due diligence, yet does not meet the wealth requirements, I'm stoked to potentially be a person directly affected by this legislation. 

4 years ago I met this amazing founder named Kyle Porter. He was the CEO of a 18 person company (SalesLoft) on the rise and I helped an angel group fill out his term sheet valuing his business in the low-8 figures. I wanted to make a $5,000 investment, but was unable because I was not an accredited investor. Today that $5,000 would be worth > $150,000. I would have my student loans and my house paid off as well as the necessary capital to start my own business or stimulate my startup ecosystem with more $5000 angel checks. 

By allowing MBAs to participate, you are dramatically increasing the opportunity for wealth mobility in the United States. Yes, these are high risk investment opportunities, but we, the people in these scenarios are likely the most aware of the heightened risk and normalcy of failure.  

I strongly urge the committee to include MBA from an accredited institution as a factor in the definition of an accredited investor.  

Thank you for your work and service to our nation. 

Graham Gintz 
Startup Entrepreneur and Wannabe Angel Investor 


Graham Gintz, MS, MBA 
Startup Community Member & Researcher | Due Diligence Enthusiast 
843.816.5605 | |