From: Daniel H. Zaczkowski
Sent: February 3, 2007
Subject: File No. S7-25-06

As written, I don't agree with the proposal to increase net worth requirements for hedge fund investing. I think there should be exceptions for individuals that have the necessary education or experience to evaluate hedge funds. I have worked in the alternative investment industry for more than a decade. In addition, I hold an MBA in Finance and I am CFA charterholder. I don't have greater wealth at this time because I spent the early part of my career serving my country as a Navy Officer and I was raised in a lower middle class family. Despite my ability to evaluate hedge fund investments, the new proposal would put them out of my reach. I don't feel I need your protection in this case. It would seem that you need to consider exceptions to the net worth requirement or do away with it all together. Thank you for the great work you do in providing rules and regulations that enhance markets and the U.S. economy.


Daniel H. Zaczkowski