Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Liam Randall

May 25, 2020

I wish to express to the SEC that I am opposed to the proposed regulations regarding the implementation of restrictions on eligibility to buy Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). Investors, including myself, are more than sufficiently intelligent and accountable for our own buying and selling to independently make decisions about what should and what should not be in our portfolios. The SEC's role is not in determining what investors may or may not buy once they have conducted their research and risk management. The SEC's role is to provide disclaimers educating novice investors against imprudent choices, from which the investor may then make a decision which is their own. There is no basis to say that ETFs, leveraged or inverse, as well as ETNs are by any means "too risky" or somehow fraudulent, and I challenge the SEC members to prove this case, while any person may purchase any number of securities on the various exchanges which may result in consistent losses, and/or 100% losses which go unobstructed by the SEC every day. This proposed regulation WILL reduce the returns of investors. I question whether this is not the real aim of this regulation by the SEC given some political motivation and/or conflicting internal interests. I leave these points to your consideration.