Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Drayton Cook

May 21, 2020

In regards to proposed rule #S7-24-15. Although I imagine the SEC may have some kind of "good intent" with this rule. I believe it is yet another overstep in the wrong direction on the part of the SEC.

The SEC purpose I believe is to regulate for the good of the people to help mitigate against things like malpractice, fraud, misrepresentation, and market manipulation. Insider trading and other various ways people try to lie, cheat and manipulate.

These products are none of these situations. They are good viable products that meet all the stringent requirements of the regulators to be compliant trading instruments.

As an active investor / trader in the markets for over 10yrs now I fully believe that these products are valuable and they are an important part of my investing portfolio. They provide me with valuable options for protecting and managing my personal assets. Removing them would be taking away a valuable tool in the toolbox of investors.

As a free country and marketplace we need to support and nurture the freedoms we hold dear. Over regulation helps no one and costs the public tax payers too much. Education is the key to success. Government controlling the freedom in the market place means it is not freedom after all.

As a street level investor I find these products to be wonderful additions to our trading instruments and plan to continue to use them on a daily basis for the rest of my investing career.

Although this road may be "paved with good intentions" it actually poses a deeper than appropriate regulation of a "free market" and actually takes away from investors freedoms to choose investments that can intimately be the perfect choice for them in their investing goals.