Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Christopher Sutton

May 11, 2020

Straight to the point...Dont do it.

Leveraged and inverse funds are an important part of my portfolio accounting for the lions share of my profits. Me as the investor assumes all the risk when I decide to invest. The SEC will not Reimburse me if I lose money on an investment so the SEC should not tell me what I can and cant invest in. The blurb about stricter criteria to invest is obviously a JIC if you cant take them out all together. Hopefully most people investing are smart enough to notice that is simply taking a slice if you cant get the whole cake. Proceeding with even the lightest restrictions sets the dangerous precedence that you can keep taking piece-by-piece until you get the whole thing.

I welcome an explanation, in straight to the point non lawyer language, as to why you feel this change is necessary, but ultimately I believe less SEC involvement is better when it comes to ordinary citizens and their personal retirements. Your job is to prevent fraud and make sure companies disclose important info to investors, my job is to provide for my family and plan for retirement.