Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Richard Shepard

May 4, 2020

I am totally against the proposed requirements to filter my ability to trade leveraged funds. My broker has qualified me and we do not need more layers.
In the 90s you eliminated the Glass Steagle law, which allowed bankers to open trading divisions that trade stocks and commodities against the small investor.
In the early 2000s, you did away with the Uptick Rule, once again stacking the deck against the small investor by allowing short seller "professionals" to come after our portfolio
holdings selling short, blindsiding us and creating losses for the small investor that are profits for the "professionals". This transfer is another example of the SEC not protecting the small investor.
As an active trader, and small individual investor, using the leveraged funds is the only way for me to have a chance to make profit trading against the Investment Bankers and Hedge funds short sellers.
This is the final nail in the coffin for the individual small investor, and being done by the SEC that is supposed to be protecting us from the "professional" predators.