Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Jason Thom

April 23, 2020

I am submitting comment that I oppose implementation of proposed rule S7-24-15.

As an investor, I appreciate a large variety of mutual fund options to maintain diversification as well as making regular adjustments to market conditions. One of the tools I occasionally use are leveraged and inverse funds. My past use of these funds has helped enhance returns in my portfolio. I appreciate the free public markets that allow me to evaluate and make investment decisions without intrusive disclosure of my personal financial details. I appreciate my freedom to make decisions without onerous "permission" based on someone else deciding whether I am capable of making those decisions.

We already have a good system of rules that require adequate disclosure of risks that is readily available to investors. This proposed rule seems to be a bad idea on the road to limiting the free markets that make the U.S. economy the marvel of the world.